Business School for Osteopathy

Learn a proven, ethical system to get fully booked (and stay that way!), generating income when you aren't treating, and leverage your skills and expertise so that your  practice creates a lifestyle that inspires the heck out of you!

Pre recorded modules & Live Seminars (Oct 25 & Dec 11, 2024)!

I'm ready to take my business to the next level.

If you're an Osteopathic Practitioner - this business school is for made for you :


  • Learn proven systems that will ensure your 1-on-1 practice is exactly as busy as YOU decide
  •  Skip sleazy sales tactics and create a practice that thrives on trust, healing and real relationships
  • Diversify your practice so you have a safety net if you can't do 1-on-1 (pandemics, injuries, pregnancies or you just want to spend 6 weeks in Thailand🏝️)
  •  Design a career that allows you to retire on your own terms 
  •  Make marketing easy without spending hours on TikTok trends (or social media at all!)
  • Create a lifestyle that actually inspires you where you have freedom of your time and the finances to support it!



What you'll learn in this Business School for Osteopathic Practitioners...

Module 1

Your Business is a Dynamic Unit of Function
  • Assess where your biggest business problems are coming from (hint - it's probably NOT your practice..)
  •  What ACTUALLY motivates you in practice?
  • What do you VALUE most (and NEED to be surrounded with to thrive)
  • How to create (and implement) a 90 day plan to break through your biggest blocks that are costing you time and money!

Module 2

Your business' structures and functions are interrelated.
  • Create a GOLD STANDARD for every patient that walks through your doors
  •  Master your INTAKES and learn to rebook clients so you NEVER have a patchy schedule again! 
  • How to build a practice based on TRUST 
  • Learn to MARKET SMARTER - in an authentic and aligned way for YOU (no social media required!)

Module 3

Your business is self-repairing and self-healing... if you let it!
  • Setting up your practice for success (so it runs on autopilot!)
  •  Learn the policies and procedures you NEED in place TODAY to save you from headaches tomorrow
  • $$MONEY$$- From raising your rates to charging those no-shows - there's an art to this - and once you see how easy it is you'll stop selling yourself short (literally!)
  • The most important things to schedule (it's not appointments!)
  • Self care for YOU!!!

Module 4

Rational expansion considers the above three principles
  • Make your business a THRIVING ecosystem with diversity so you are NEVER just a 1-on-1 practitioner
  •  Get clear on the TYPE of business owner you WANT to be so you create something that supports a lifestyle you actually want
  •  Explore some of the most natural business DIVERSIFICATION for osteopaths (no clinic ownership required!)

Live Seminars &Bonuses

Solving your unique challenges
  • Module 5 is pre-recorded for 2023 of the top questions from our 2023 cohort
  • Bonus classes:
    • Rent Split or Employ?
    • Contracts 101
    • Schedule Mastery
  • 2 LIVE Coaching Seminars  (ALL submitted and live questions will be answered by end of call)
    • Friday Oct 25, 2024 @ 3pm EST (8pm GMT, 7am AEDT- Oct 26)
    • Wednesday Dec 11, 2024 @3pm EST (8pm GMT, 7am AEDT Dec 12)

Here are what other Osteopaths are saying...

R. H., Osteopathic Practitioner, Ontario 

"I want to thank you so very very much for all of your effort in putting this course together and for sharing your passion for business. It has been a huge missing piece that you have filled in. It has been incredible!! If I'm honest, I am always hesitant to spend the investment on a course as I usually feel like it is not worth the price and leave disappointed. This is definitely NOT the case with yours. I have loved all of it!"

Shira Kaller, Osteopathic Practitioner @ Aligned to Design

I’m just finishing up your schedule mastery for Osteo’s course and I wanted to just say a quick thank you! The main reason I reached out is I really appreciate all of the real life that you sprinkled in there and especially adding the family aspect... Basically thanks for giving a voice to balance and sanity! I love the courses you’ve done that I’ve taken so far and look forward to hearing more. Your personality really shines through in a beautiful way.

Like Osteopathy - business is EASY when you understand the PRINCIPLES

The pre-recorded modules will walk you through every step from your assessment of the ROOT CAUSE of your business woes to creating a customized treatment plan FOR your business.  This course is packed with valuable resources that will SAVE YOU YEARS OF TIME AND EXPONENTIALLY IMPACT YOUR INCOME!

Elevate your business today!



The Healthier YOU are as a practitioner and the more aligned you are with YOURSELF, the healthier and more aligned every single client you work with becomes!"

- Geneviève Zizzo

So here's what we're learning....


This is by far the most comprehensive business course available that's specifically designed FOR osteopathic practitioners, BY an osteopathic practitioner! Everything that is taught has been tried, tested, and refined by real people doing this work.


Here's what we'll cover in this online course:


✅ Explore how your business is simply a reflection of you: Your personal challenges ARE your business challenges

✅ Evaluate whether your business is in alignment with who YOU are

✅ Implement a value system so your business FEELS impactful everyday

✅ Architect your mindset around money, business, and health

✅ Attract new patients who you LOVE to work with

✅ Master initial intakes so you stay on time, get to the heart of the problem, and make a solid plan for patient healing

✅ Confidently recommend treatment plans and easily rebook patients so they can get better faster

✅ Set up your physical environment for success and healing for all

✅ Create policies and procedures that will make uncomfortable conversations around last-minute cancellations, price increases, and other awkward moments a  stress-free process

✅ Schedule your business around the things that matter most for you

✅ Deepen your self-care so you feel energized and excited for every patient

✅ Understand your business as an entire ecosystem.

✅ Find clarity for the most aligned business expansion options FOR YOU.

✅ Learn how to work fewer hours while making more income.


The Benefits you’ll gain:


⭐️ Feel INSPIRED by the life you are creating (because it's YOUR dreams that matter most!)

⭐️ Decrease your stress around and enjoy the MAGIC of having a thriving practice

⭐️ Diversify your income streams so you have money coming in, even if you aren't seeing clients!

⭐️ Skip years of "trial and error" and get your practice on the RIGHT TRACK for YOU!

⭐️ Tap into revenue sources that already exist within your practice TODAY!

⭐️Be amazed by the better results your clients get when your BUSINESS operates better!

⭐️ Get booked and STAY booked (your results will speak for themselves!)




The Course is NOT for you if...

⛔️ You are only about HUSTLE AND GRIND - that's not the vibe here...AT ALL.

⛔️ You are committed to being a victim of circumstance Example: you believe there's too much competition in your area to be successful (nothing could be further from the truth!)

⛔️ You don't really care about the people you work with, you just want to make money 

⛔️ You don't believe osteopathy is something you could do full time to survive (you just need to learn the skills to thrive)

⛔️You aren't interested in investing in your OWN health and wellness (you can't support others in their healing if you refuse to do your own!

Frequently Asked Questions

Learning from someone who has walked before you is the fastest way to get there yourself.

This course is made BY an osteopathic practitioner FOR osteopathic practitioners. Osteopathic practitioners face unique challenges in the workplace and this course is here to bridge that gap so you can enjoy ALL parts of your career... even the business parts!

Join now!

Business School for Osteopaths

$1440 CAD

Payment plan as low as $249/mo


  • 2 LIVE Coaching Seminars  (All submitted and live questions will be answered)
    • Friday Oct 25, 2024 @ 3pm EST (8pm GMT, 7am AEDT- Oct 26)
    • Wednesday Dec 11, 2024 @3pm EST (8pm GMT, 7am AEDT Dec 12)
  • 5 pre-recorded classes to assess, treat and make a 90 day plan for your practice
  • Lifetime access to all materials and includes all course upgrades and live offerings in future
  • Assessment quiz to pinpoint your biggest business challenges
  • 4 Beautiful Workbooks for each teaching module  
  • BONUS CLASSES:  (valued at $399)
    • Schedule Mastery for Osteopathic Practitioners 
    • Rent Split or Employ?  - Growing your practice for YOUR lifestyle!
    •  Contracts 101 - Writing and signing contracts with your best business in mind
  • Meditations, playlists, resources and more!
  • Eligible for CEU/CPD Professional Development hours
  • Payment plan available
Join Today!
About Geneviève:

"Healing is when the mind asks what the body needs, the body replies, and the mind listens"


Hi, I'm Geneviève!


For over 14 years I've been running a busy professional osteopathic practice and wellness clinic. I love helping patients tap into the wisdom and health of their own bodies and watching them transform before my eyes.

Over my 13 years of practice I have faced many challenges in my business. From learning how to grow a practice from scratch in a new city, moving  and merging my clinic with another (and then running it on my own again), stepping into leadership (even when it was very uncomfortable)  to finally creating a business that supports the life I both choose and desire to live has been quite the roller coaster!

But all my business challenges have taught me about myself, who I am and what I could achieve more than anything else in my life ever could! It is my sincere hope to share these experiences with others, help them avoid some of the mistakes and pitfalls I made along the way so more practitioners are less focused on the "running of the business" and more focused on the expansion of sharing their own healing gifts with their community and beyond.

 That’s why I’m so excited to share this work with you in hopes that you emerge more confident in your practice, enjoy more ease and most importantly - have a lot more fun!

If credentials feel important for you here are highlights of my training, education and experience:

  • Honours Bachelor of Science (Health/Gerontology) through the University of Waterloo
  • Diploma in Massage Therapy (Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, Cambridge ON)
  • Master of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy (Hamilton ON)
  • Advanced Diploma in Animal Osteopathy (Animal Osteopathy International, UK)
  • Anatomy, physiology and treatment Instructor at Trillium College, Massage Therapy Program, Kingston ON
  • Owner of Full Circle Health Network Inc. Wellness Clinic  (Kingston ON) since 2010